Ana Camerano, from Tech To The Rescue, is hosting a conversation on gender, AI and the consequences of these notions coming together. Her interviewee, Aslihan Ozcan from UN Women calls for gender responsible action and invites both gender experts to train themselves in AI as well as AI experts, especially engineers, to learn more about gender.

They discuss how UN Women aim to support Ukrainian women in building their lives in the war zones and how Ukrainian people, with their perseverance and dignity, can serve as example to the impact community how to serve their communities.

The book is mentioned in the show: Invisible Women by Caroline Criado-Perez
and the book that is not mentioned but also very interesting regarding the topic: Data Feminism by Catherine d’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein.

If you are interested in AI and social impact read more about the Tech To The Rescue Foundation and our AI acceleration program empowering NGOs to scale their impact through AI.

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